• Taipei orchestral music festival scheduled for August 2020-07-13Taipei orchestral music festival scheduled for August
    Taipei orchestral music festival scheduled for August Taiwanese-American violinist Lin Chao-liang (林昭亮, back row, second right) / Photo courtesy of Taipei Music Academy and Festival FOCUS TAIWAN | CNA ENGLISH NEWS | 2020-07-13 Taipei, July 13 (CNA) An annual orchestral music festival featuring international musicians will go ahead in August despite ongoing quarantine measures amid the COVID-19 new ...
  • Isaac Stern @100 Master Classes 2020-04-01Isaac Stern @100 Master Classes
    Isaac Stern @100 Master Classes On behalf of TMAF, I am pleased to announce an incredible opportunity for violin students to study with some of the best violinists and teachers in the world. TMAF is starting a new series of lessons and master classes this summer right in Taipei on the campus of NTNU. We will ...
  • TMAF welcomes Akiko Suwanai to TMAF 2020 as faculty! 2020-02-12TMAF welcomes Akiko Suwanai to TMAF 2020 as faculty!
    TMAF welcomes Akiko Suwanai to TMAF 2020 as faculty! Ms Suwanai is the gold medal winner of 1990 Tchaikovsky Competition in Moscow. She has gone on to a highly successful international solo career. Today, she is one of the most sought after musicians in the world. Ms Suwanai will join a world-class faculty at TMAF and ...
  • TMAF announces the appointment of Hai-Ye Ni as cello faculty for the 2020 festival 2020-02-06TMAF announces the appointment of Hai-Ye Ni as cello faculty for the 2020 festival
    TMAF announces the appointment of Hai-Ye Ni as cello faculty for the 2020 festival TMAF is very pleased to announce the appointment of Hai-Ye Ni as cello faculty for the 2020 festival. Artistic Director Cho-Liang Lin states “Hai-Ye Ni is a world-class musician with a distinguished career as a soloist, chamber musician, orchestral leader and teacher. ...
  • 【藝術文化】林昭亮號召星秀音樂節 學員近距離與大師比鄰而坐 2019-06-11【藝術文化】林昭亮號召星秀音樂節 學員近距離與大師比鄰而坐
    【藝術文化】林昭亮號召星秀音樂節 學員近距離與大師比鄰而坐 圖片說明 : 首屆台北大師星秀音樂節將在8月登場,音樂家林昭亮(左3)號召年輕學子與大師切磋。(台北大師星秀音樂節/提供) 自由時報-藝術文化 | 記者陳昱勳 | 台北大師星秀音樂節提供 | 2019/06/11由旅美音樂家林昭亮號召,結合音樂營與演出的第一屆台北大師星秀音樂節,將於8月登場。此次音樂節吸引超過200位來自亞太多國學子報名,經審查後選出66位成為音樂節學員,林昭亮表示,參加徵選多為音樂高材生,其中不乏來自知名音樂學院或國際大賽獲獎者,8月3日開始,將由20位頂尖師資進行17天紮實的訓練及講座,包括室內樂、獨奏、管弦樂片段指導及大師班等。 音樂節期間還有備受注目的7場音樂會,包括 8月3日由福爾摩沙四重奏擔綱演出的開幕音樂會;8月9日的「大師音樂會」,由18位國際首席大師包括費城管弦樂團小提琴首席金大衛、紐約愛樂樂團小提琴首席黃欣、大提琴家林恩‧哈瑞爾,阿姆斯特丹皇家大會堂長笛首席艾蜜莉‧貝儂、福爾摩沙四重奏等,輪番呈現巴赫《布蘭登堡協奏曲》及布拉姆斯、韋伯、泰雷曼的室內樂作品。8月11日另有曾宇謙與多位大師的音樂會。 此外,除8月10日有音樂節學員聯手一整個下午的免費室內樂馬拉松音樂會之外,來自國際各大管弦樂團的音樂家,將與經過兩週訓練的學員一同演出「星秀音樂會」,由林望傑指揮「台北大師星秀節慶管弦樂團」,攜手小提琴家林昭亮、曾宇謙、黃欣、詹曉昀,自8月16至18日於衛武營、台中國家歌劇院、北藝大巡迴演出,給予學員近距離與大師比鄰而坐、同台演出的寶貴經驗。 林昭亮打趣表示,這次大師們不一定會坐在習慣的「首席」位,希望坐在非首席座位的學員不要氣餒,因為無論是坐在樂團的哪一個位置都一樣重要,更笑稱自己「已預定了第二小提琴最後面的位置」。